- 中央研究院永續科學中心國際合作科技行政(2019-2022)
- 農委會林業試驗所計畫博士後研究員(2018-2019)
- 國立台灣大學園藝暨景觀學系博士後研究員(2016-2017)
- 伊利諾大學香檳分校景觀建築學系訪問學者(2009-2010)

林穎萱 助理教授
- 國立臺灣大學園藝暨景觀學系 博士
研究室位置:AL119 (藝術學院 1F)
- Hung, S. H., Wu, C. C., Tsai, Y. P., Lin, Y. H., Su, Y.-P., & Chang, C. Y. (2019). Urban Landscapes, Health, and Well-Being. In P. T. Bianca Maria Rinaldi (Ed.), Urban Landscapes in High-Density Cities: Parks, Streetscapes, Ecosystems (pp. 216–226). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783035617207
- Lin, Y.-H., Tsai, C.-C., Sullivan, W. C., Chang, P.-J., & Chang, C.-Y. (2017). Does awareness effect the restorative function and perception of street trees? In Berman, M. G. (Ed). Nature and Environment: The Psychology of Its Benefits and Its Protection. Lausanne: Frontiers Media, pp. 43-51. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88919-850-4
- 張俊彥、林穎萱(2009)。知覺自然度與恢復效果關係中間變項之功能。載於中華民國人與植物學會(主編),自然生態環境與健康效益國際研討會論文(68-83)。臺北:中華民國人與植物學會。ISBN: 978-986-84885-1-9
- 游之穎、陳以萱、張俊彥、林穎萱、林文華、陳季呈、徐煇妃(2018)。不同休閒農業景觀類型之生心理效益研究。花蓮區農業改良場研究彙報,36:77-91。
- Lin, Y.-H. & Chang, C.-Y. (2017). The promotion and research of horticultural therapy in Taiwan. Chronica Horticultrae, 57(4): 9-14. ISSN 0578-039X print and ISSN 2506-9772 electronic. (Magazine published by International Society for Horticultural Science, ISHS).
- 林穎萱、葉昱辰(2017)。國內園藝治療組織系列報導: 牽起綠活與樂活的手—臺灣園藝輔助治療協會。造園景觀雜誌,89:24-28。
- Chang, K. G., Sullivan, W., Lin, Y.-H., Su, W.-C., Chang, C.-Y. (2016). The effect of biodiversity on green space users’ wellbeing- An empirical investigation using physiological evidence. Sustainability, 8(1049), 1-15. (SCIE, SSCI, IF: 1.79)
- Lin, Y.-H., Tsai, C.-C., Sullivan, W. C., Chang, P.-J., & Chang, C.-Y. (2014). Does awareness effect the restorative function and perception of street trees? Frontiers in Psychology, 5(906), 1-9. (SSCI, IF: 2.84 , Ranking: Psychology-Multidisciplinary, Q1: 20 of 129)
- 林穎萱、彭淑芳、張俊彥(2014)。不只是綠:比較觀看山景或海景的效果。建築學報,87,175-186。(TSSCI)
- 林穎萱、張俊彥(2012)。健康景觀領域中研究與實務的對話。造園景觀雜誌,73,97-101。
- 張俊彥、張元毓、林穎萱(2012)。療癒景觀與園藝治療的相關名詞釋義。造園景觀雜誌,73,4-13。
- 張俊彥、林穎萱、李采薇(2012)。民眾在休閒農場裡見到些什麼?。造園景觀雜誌,73,89-96。
- 林穎萱(2010)。詠活樂竹。造園季刊:景觀植物的欣賞與功能專輯,67,65-72。
- Chang, C.-Y., Lin, Y.-H., & Chou, M.-T. (2008). Experiences and stress reduction of viewing natural environments. Acta Horticulturae, 775, 139-146.
- 林穎萱(2006)。第六屆中國國際園林花卉博覽會預告。造園季刊,58,77-82。
- Lin, Y.-H., Hsu, M.-H., & Wu, M.-L. (2018). The comparison on environmental restoration perceptions of two forests. International Symposium on Horticultural Therapies: Past, present and future. November 13-16, Taichung, Taiwan.
- Lin, Y.-H., Hsu, M.-H., & Wu, M.-L. (2018). Horticultural Therapy Programming The impact of mindfulness practice on environmental perceptions in a forest. International Symposium on Horticultural Therapies: Past, present and future. November 13-16, Taichung, Taiwan.
- 林穎萱、周宛俞、張俊彥(2018)。探索Health & Place發表趨勢。第十六屆造園景觀學術研討會。臺北:臺灣造園景觀學會。
- Lin, Y.-H. (2017). Health responses to the environmental types of leisure farms in Taiwan. Landscape and Horticultural Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.
- 林穎萱(2017)。臺灣農林場域的韌性滋養力。療育農林景觀國際研討會。台北:行政院農業委員會林業試驗所與臺灣造園景觀學會共同舉辦。
- Lin, Y.-H. (2017). Greenness benefits on attention restoration—But does it effect equally across landscape types? Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, Beijing, China.
- 林穎萱、張俊彥(2015)。伴我前行:社會互動經驗對景觀恢復效益的影響。載於中華民國戶外遊憩學會(主編),第十七屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會暨國際論壇論文集(136-137)。雲林:中華民國戶外遊憩學會。ISBN: 978-986-86593-8-4
- Lin, Y.-H. (2013). A Synthetically process to evaluate the agritourism landscape in Taiwan. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, Austin, TX. (Poster session)
- 林穎萱、張俊彥(2013)。動靜進退之間:促進休閒農場健康效果的活動因子。第十一屆造園景觀學術研討會論文集(190-200)。臺北:臺灣造園景觀學會。
- Lin, Y.-H., Peng, S.-F. & Chang, C.-Y. (2012). Is “green” the best answer?: Restorative experiences and psychophysiological responses between mountain and sea landscape. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
- Yu, H.-L., Lin, Y.-H., & Chang, C.-Y. (2012). The dose of viewing nature on physiological and psychological benefits. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
- Chang, C.-Y., Lin, Y.-H., Chang, Y.-T., & Lee, T.-W. (2011). Agritourism landscapes in the rural areas of Taiwan. IFLA APR CLC International Symposium 2011, Seoul, Korea.
- Lin, Y.-H., Sullivan, W.-C., & Chang, C.-Y. (2011) Place identity and sense of place bonding as moderating roles of psychological restorative experiences. 42nd Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association, EDRA42Chicago. Chicago, IL.
- 林穎萱、張俊彥(2011)。台灣休閒農場不同活動類型的健康效果。第九屆造園景觀學術研討會論文集(910-918)。臺北:臺灣造園景觀學會。
- Lin, Y.-H., Chang, C.-Y. (2009). Restorative benefits of natural greenness: A meta-analysis on attention restorative theory. 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vienna, Austria.
- Lin, Y.-H., Peng, S.-F., & Chang, C.-Y. (2009). The psychophysiological response and preference, recovery, reflection effects of natural landscape. 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vienna, Austria. (Best Poster Award)
- Chang, C.-Y., Lin, Y.-H. (2009). The mediating role of place attachment in the relationship between perceived naturalness and health recovery effects. 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vienna, Austria.
- Lin, Y.-H., Chang, C.-Y. (2009). Perceived naturalness and health restorative effects. 10th International People Plant Symposium. Manhattan, KS.
- Chang, C.-Y., Lin, Y.-H., Chang, Y.-T., & Tang, H.-F. (2009). The empirical study of ecosystem services on human health. European IALE Conference 2009, Salzburg, Austria.
- Hsieh Y.-T., Lin, Y.-H., & Chang, C.-Y. (2008). The psychological benefits of waiting room of hospital. International Conference on Ecological Restoration, Taipei, TW. (Poster session)
- Lin, Y.-H., Chang, C.-Y. (2008). Seeking the effective components of restorative experiences of natural environments in Taiwan. 14th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Burlington, VT.
- Lin, Y.-H., Chang, C.-Y. (2008). Is the environment with more ecological beneficial characteristics better for human beings? 14th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Burlington, VT. (Poster session)
- Lin, Y.-H., Su, W.-C., & Chang, C.-Y. (2007). The health benefit of rural nature area in Taiwan. American Horticultural Therapy Association Conference, silver spring, MD.
- Chang, C.-Y., Lin, Y.-H. (2007). Health benefits of horticultural activities on leisure farms in Taiwan. American Horticultural Therapy Association Conference, silver spring, MD.
- Chang, C.-Y., Tang, H.-F., Lin, Y.-H., & Peng, S.-F. (2007). The health benefits of recreational activities on leisure farms in Taiwan. 13th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Park City, UT.
- Lin, Y.-H., Huang, W.-C., & Chang, C.-Y. (2007). The attitude of aborigine in developing ecological tourism. 13th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Park City, UT.
- Lin, Y.-H., Chang, C.-Y., & Ling, D.-L. (2007). The ecological education effect on butterfly ecological education garden in Taiwan. 13th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Park City, UT. (Poster session)
- 國科會千里馬。自然遊憩地區體驗與心理效益之研究。國科會:NSC97-2917-I-002-137。2009-2010。
- 最佳海報發表獎。The psychophysiological response and preference, recovery, reflection effects of natural landscape. 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vienna, Austria。2009。
- 國際學生競圖首獎。菁桐・再生 RESURRECTION。11th IFLA Eastern Regional Conference Student Design Competition. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia。2002。