

林穎萱 助理教授

  • 國立臺灣大學園藝暨景觀學系 博士




研究室位置:AL119 (藝術學院 1F)


  1. 中央研究院永續科學中心國際合作科技行政(2019-2022)
  2. 農委會林業試驗所計畫博士後研究員(2018-2019)
  3. 國立台灣大學園藝暨景觀學系博士後研究員(2016-2017)
  4. 伊利諾大學香檳分校景觀建築學系訪問學者(2009-2010)





  1. Hung, S. H., Wu, C. C., Tsai, Y. P., Lin, Y. H., Su, Y.-P., & Chang, C. Y. (2019). Urban Landscapes, Health, and Well-Being. In P. T. Bianca Maria Rinaldi (Ed.), Urban Landscapes in High-Density Cities: Parks, Streetscapes, Ecosystems (pp. 216–226). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783035617207
  2. Lin, Y.-H., Tsai, C.-C., Sullivan, W. C., Chang, P.-J., & Chang, C.-Y. (2017). Does awareness effect the restorative function and perception of street trees? In Berman, M. G. (Ed). Nature and Environment: The Psychology of Its Benefits and Its Protection. Lausanne: Frontiers Media, pp. 43-51. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88919-850-4
  3. 張俊彥、林穎萱(2009)。知覺自然度與恢復效果關係中間變項之功能。載於中華民國人與植物學會(主編),自然生態環境與健康效益國際研討會論文(68-83)。臺北:中華民國人與植物學會。ISBN: 978-986-84885-1-9


  1. 游之穎、陳以萱、張俊彥、林穎萱、林文華、陳季呈、徐煇妃(2018)。不同休閒農業景觀類型之生心理效益研究。花蓮區農業改良場研究彙報,36:77-91。
  2. Lin, Y.-H. & Chang, C.-Y. (2017). The promotion and research of horticultural therapy in Taiwan. Chronica Horticultrae, 57(4): 9-14. ISSN 0578-039X print and ISSN 2506-9772 electronic. (Magazine published by International Society for Horticultural Science, ISHS).
  3. 林穎萱、葉昱辰(2017)。國內園藝治療組織系列報導: 牽起綠活與樂活的手—臺灣園藝輔助治療協會。造園景觀雜誌,89:24-28。
  4. Chang, K. G., Sullivan, W., Lin, Y.-H., Su, W.-C., Chang, C.-Y. (2016). The effect of biodiversity on green space users’ wellbeing- An empirical investigation using physiological evidence. Sustainability, 8(1049), 1-15. (SCIE, SSCI, IF: 1.79)
  5. Lin, Y.-H., Tsai, C.-C., Sullivan, W. C., Chang, P.-J., & Chang, C.-Y. (2014). Does awareness effect the restorative function and perception of street trees? Frontiers in Psychology, 5(906), 1-9. (SSCI, IF: 2.84 , Ranking: Psychology-Multidisciplinary, Q1: 20 of 129)
  6. 林穎萱、彭淑芳、張俊彥(2014)。不只是綠:比較觀看山景或海景的效果。建築學報,87,175-186。(TSSCI)
  7. 林穎萱、張俊彥(2012)。健康景觀領域中研究與實務的對話。造園景觀雜誌,73,97-101。
  8. 張俊彥、張元毓、林穎萱(2012)。療癒景觀與園藝治療的相關名詞釋義。造園景觀雜誌,73,4-13。
  9. 張俊彥、林穎萱、李采薇(2012)。民眾在休閒農場裡見到些什麼?。造園景觀雜誌,73,89-96。
  10. 林穎萱(2010)。詠活樂竹。造園季刊:景觀植物的欣賞與功能專輯,67,65-72。
  11. Chang, C.-Y., Lin, Y.-H., & Chou, M.-T. (2008). Experiences and stress reduction of viewing natural environments. Acta Horticulturae, 775, 139-146.
  12. 林穎萱(2006)。第六屆中國國際園林花卉博覽會預告。造園季刊,58,77-82。


  1. Lin, Y.-H., Hsu, M.-H., & Wu, M.-L. (2018). The comparison on environmental restoration perceptions of two forests. International Symposium on Horticultural Therapies: Past, present and future. November 13-16, Taichung, Taiwan.
  2. Lin, Y.-H., Hsu, M.-H., & Wu, M.-L. (2018). Horticultural Therapy Programming The impact of mindfulness practice on environmental perceptions in a forest. International Symposium on Horticultural Therapies: Past, present and future. November 13-16, Taichung, Taiwan.
  3. 林穎萱、周宛俞、張俊彥(2018)。探索Health & Place發表趨勢。第十六屆造園景觀學術研討會。臺北:臺灣造園景觀學會。
  4. Lin, Y.-H. (2017). Health responses to the environmental types of leisure farms in Taiwan. Landscape and Horticultural Therapy, Taipei, Taiwan.
  5. 林穎萱(2017)。臺灣農林場域的韌性滋養力。療育農林景觀國際研討會。台北:行政院農業委員會林業試驗所與臺灣造園景觀學會共同舉辦。
  6. Lin, Y.-H. (2017). Greenness benefits on attention restoration—But does it effect equally across landscape types? Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, Beijing, China.
  7. 林穎萱、張俊彥(2015)。伴我前行:社會互動經驗對景觀恢復效益的影響。載於中華民國戶外遊憩學會(主編),第十七屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會暨國際論壇論文集(136-137)。雲林:中華民國戶外遊憩學會。ISBN: 978-986-86593-8-4
  8. Lin, Y.-H. (2013). A Synthetically process to evaluate the agritourism landscape in Taiwan. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, Austin, TX. (Poster session)
  9. 林穎萱、張俊彥(2013)。動靜進退之間:促進休閒農場健康效果的活動因子。第十一屆造園景觀學術研討會論文集(190-200)。臺北:臺灣造園景觀學會。
  10. Lin, Y.-H., Peng, S.-F. & Chang, C.-Y. (2012). Is “green” the best answer?: Restorative experiences and psychophysiological responses between mountain and sea landscape. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
  11. Yu, H.-L., Lin, Y.-H., & Chang, C.-Y. (2012). The dose of viewing nature on physiological and psychological benefits. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
  12. Chang, C.-Y., Lin, Y.-H., Chang, Y.-T., & Lee, T.-W. (2011). Agritourism landscapes in the rural areas of Taiwan. IFLA APR CLC International Symposium 2011, Seoul, Korea.
  13. Lin, Y.-H., Sullivan, W.-C., & Chang, C.-Y. (2011) Place identity and sense of place bonding as moderating roles of psychological restorative experiences. 42nd Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association, EDRA42Chicago. Chicago, IL.
  14. 林穎萱、張俊彥(2011)。台灣休閒農場不同活動類型的健康效果。第九屆造園景觀學術研討會論文集(910-918)。臺北:臺灣造園景觀學會。
  15. Lin, Y.-H., Chang, C.-Y. (2009). Restorative benefits of natural greenness: A meta-analysis on attention restorative theory. 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vienna, Austria.
  16. Lin, Y.-H., Peng, S.-F., & Chang, C.-Y. (2009). The psychophysiological response and preference, recovery, reflection effects of natural landscape. 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vienna, Austria. (Best Poster Award)
  17. Chang, C.-Y., Lin, Y.-H. (2009). The mediating role of place attachment in the relationship between perceived naturalness and health recovery effects. 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vienna, Austria.
  18. Lin, Y.-H., Chang, C.-Y. (2009). Perceived naturalness and health restorative effects. 10th International People Plant Symposium. Manhattan, KS.
  19. Chang, C.-Y., Lin, Y.-H., Chang, Y.-T., & Tang, H.-F. (2009). The empirical study of ecosystem services on human health. European IALE Conference 2009, Salzburg, Austria.
  20. Hsieh Y.-T., Lin, Y.-H., & Chang, C.-Y. (2008). The psychological benefits of waiting room of hospital. International Conference on Ecological Restoration, Taipei, TW. (Poster session)
  21. Lin, Y.-H., Chang, C.-Y. (2008). Seeking the effective components of restorative experiences of natural environments in Taiwan. 14th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Burlington, VT.
  22. Lin, Y.-H., Chang, C.-Y. (2008). Is the environment with more ecological beneficial characteristics better for human beings? 14th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Burlington, VT. (Poster session)
  23. Lin, Y.-H., Su, W.-C., & Chang, C.-Y. (2007). The health benefit of rural nature area in Taiwan. American Horticultural Therapy Association Conference, silver spring, MD.
  24. Chang, C.-Y., Lin, Y.-H. (2007). Health benefits of horticultural activities on leisure farms in Taiwan. American Horticultural Therapy Association Conference, silver spring, MD.
  25. Chang, C.-Y., Tang, H.-F., Lin, Y.-H., & Peng, S.-F. (2007). The health benefits of recreational activities on leisure farms in Taiwan. 13th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Park City, UT.
  26. Lin, Y.-H., Huang, W.-C., & Chang, C.-Y. (2007). The attitude of aborigine in developing ecological tourism. 13th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Park City, UT.
  27. Lin, Y.-H., Chang, C.-Y., & Ling, D.-L. (2007). The ecological education effect on butterfly ecological education garden in Taiwan. 13th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Park City, UT. (Poster session)


  1. 國科會千里馬。自然遊憩地區體驗與心理效益之研究。國科會:NSC97-2917-I-002-137。2009-2010。
  2. 最佳海報發表獎。The psychophysiological response and preference, recovery, reflection effects of natural landscape. 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vienna, Austria。2009。
  3. 國際學生競圖首獎。菁桐・再生 RESURRECTION。11th IFLA Eastern Regional Conference Student Design Competition. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia。2002。